Content of "Mathe macht
Musik" Volume 1
Content of "Mathe macht
Musik" Volume 2
Content of "Mathe macht Musik" Volume 3
Structure of theme and impulse pages
Order (the book is currently only available in german)
Music education should be understood as the sign system of human communication. Today it is assumed that musical activity triggers numerous so-called near transfers, that is transmissions to other lines of thought. The "Zahlenbuch" (counting book) with its comprehensive approach works especially well for connecting music and mathematics education, for an experience-oriented, exploratory and pleasure-centered learning with musical aspects. Thus have experienced and tested the teaching staff of the „Erweiterter Musikunterricht EMU" over the past years in numerous classes. EMU (Swiss school experiment with extended music education) is a project whose further development is lead by Markus Cslovjecsek, professor for music and area-specific didactics at the University of Applied Sciences Aargau, Switzerland. The teaching staff is currently working on manuals that serve as an aid as regards the musical realization of the concrete topics in the Zahlenbuch (such as "geometrical patterns", "forms and shapes in the world around us", "counting and allocating", "reading and writing characters", "time", "throwing dice" or "decimal system"). Games of perception, instructions to motion, songs, rhythmical games, concentration and observation tasks and exercises for creativity are used to transdisciplinarily exploit the musical potential and to simultaneously create a positive atmosphere for learning.