Project managementMarkus Cslovjecsek, born 1958. After his education to become a primary school teacher, he studied at the Music University of Lucerne, Switzerland, Faculty II (vocal, school and church music) and attained diplomas I und II in school music education as well as teacher diplomas for violoncello and solo vocal studies. For several years, he taught at primary schools, at music schools, at the lower secondary level, at high schools, in teacher-training and further education. From 1992 to 1999, he oversaw the project called „Erweiterter Musikunterricht“ EMU (Swiss school experiment with extended music education) in the canton of Solothurn. He is also responsible for several publications concerning music, education culture and training within the scope of developing a new perspective as regards music at school. Markus Cslovjecsek is a professor for music and area-specific didactics at the University of Applied Sciences Aargau, Education department, lecturer and work shop leader in Switzerland and abroad. He lives in Niederwil, canton of Solothurn, is married and father of two daughters of school age. Contact: Project Team FHA (Web-Project)Markus Cslovjecsek, Dani Feusi, Eugen Notter Project Team Klett&Balmer (Book-Project)Markus Cslovjecsek, Sabina Fontana, Hans Grolimund, Daniel Hettelingh, Katharina
Leimer, Stefan Liechti, Patrik Lischer, Renato Loretan, Monique Spühler, Jörg
Monique SpühlerBorn 13 March 1951 in Biel, Switzerland. She taught from 1971 to 1975 at the primary school in Lostorf. In 1976, she trained to become a recorder teacher (M2) and then proceeded to teach at the music schools Lostorf and Stüsslingen in 1990. In 1990, she additionally went back to teaching first and second grade at the primary school in Lostorf. Ever since 1993 she practices the principle of the “Erweiterter Musikunterricht” EMU. She is married and mother of two grown sons. She is a member of the ensemble “musicalostra” and her favorite hobby are sports (swimming and exercising, or, to be exact, synchronized swimming and gymnastics) … which, likewise, has many parallels to music. .Hans GrolimundBorn 31 October 1951. He grew up in the Schwarzbubenland in the canton of Solothurn, in Zullwil, Switzerland. He is married and father of three children. He completed his studies to become a primary school teacher (diploma of the canton of Solothurn). Since 1971, he teaches primarily third and fourth grades at the primary school in Büsserach, Switzerland. In addition, he is the conductor of the all-male choir of Büsserach (since 1983) and enjoyed the same function in the mixed choir in Nunningen (1992 to 1997). He supports the principle of EMU ever since 1993. Member of the course leader team of the LLWB (further education for teachers) Solothurn („Musik macht Schule“) Daniel HettelinghAfter completion of his studies for primary school teacher (diploma of the canton of
Solothurn), he proceeded to become an art teacher (diploma of the Lucerne School of
Arts and Design). He is also specialized as remedial teacher (diploma). Since 1987, he
works as special school teacher at the children’s home and cantonal school for
logopaedics Bachtelen in Grenchen, Switzerland. He teaches primary level (second and
third grade). EMU since 1994.
Stefan LiechtiLuterbach, Switzerland. He is married with two children and works as a primary
school teacher since 1988. He currently teaches fifth and sixth grade in Solothurn,
Switzerland, and works with EMU since 1993.
Patrik LischerHessigkofen, Switzerland. He is married with two children and works as a primary teacher since 1995. He teaches multiple classes in Hessigkofen (fourth to sixth grade). Since 2001, he also teaches a mixed lower secondary level class (Sek/OK/WK) in Messen. EMU since 1997. Renato LoretanHe concluded his studies for primary school teacher with a diploma of the canton of Valais. He also graduated as remedial teacher and psychologist and works as special school teacher at the children’s home and cantonal school for logopaedics Bachtelen in Grenchen, Switzerland. He teaches primary level (third, fourth and fifth grade). EMU since 1993. He is a member of the musical ensemble “in flagranti” Solothurn. |