Observations as regards the impulse „cash check“

What we offer: You can implement the following impulse, a simple directive, on a one to one basis with your class. We are convinced that you and your students will very much like this impulse and the corresponding tasks involved.

What we expect from you: With our explorative study we wish to gather reactions from teachers and student as regards this maybe unusual approach. From the collected data we hope to draw important indications concerning questions for specific research in connection with the further development of the «Maths by Music» approach.

Should you wish to participate, please consider the following rules of the game:

1. Please follow the given directives (Primary level1/Primary level2/Lower secondary level) as closely as possible.

2. While working with this impulse, you will be guided by the different happenings in the classroom. As is the case for any class, aspects of very different natures can become relevant. We are interested in what you observe, what you find remarkable. Should you and your class further develop the tasks, describe your version to us. You are welcome to send any notes and drafts written or drawn by the students.

3. Please write down your observations and answers (Yes/No) to the 9 questions concerning the class the very same day. Complete the observation form with the general indications.

Note: You can also make use of this impulse to issue an observation order to one of your colleagues, trainees, parents, etc. In that case, please note your observation order on the note sheet that you make available to the observing person.

4. Please forward your observations and any additional information material to the indicated address via electronic or postal mail. Thank you very much!

Upon conclusion of the project, you will be informed about the results. You can visit the project site (in preparation) for more information on the current status of the project.
"Coins in the Classroom Lesson Plan Contest"

Through Wednesday, October 15, 2003, the United States Mint H.I.P. Pocket Change website will sponsor a "Coins in the Classroom" Lesson Plan Contest to recognize the most exciting and innovative methods of teaching with coins. Teachers from around the country are invited to participate in this Mint-sponsored contest, which offers prizes worth a combined value of nearly $700 as well as national recognition. For more information and contest rules, visit:
